NOTIONES (iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS) is a research project administratively coordinated by TECNALIA and scientifically-technically coordinated by Zanasi & Partners. The project is being funded by the European Commission (EC) under the Horizon 2020 programme with Grant Agreement no. 101021853. The project started in 2021 and will end in 2026.

The objective of the NOTIONES is to build a network of practitioners from security and intelligence services of EU Member States and Associated Countries, from the Industry – including SMEs – and from the Academia, with the objective to identify emerging technologies and research how they may satisfy the needs of security and public services.

The consortium of NOTIONES includes, among its 30 partners, practitioners from military, civil, financial, judiciary, local, national and international security and intelligence services, coming from 9 EU Members States and 6 Associated Countries.

These practitioners, together with the other consortium members, grant a complete coverage of the 4 EU main areas: West Europe (Portugal, Spain, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Austria), North Europe (Finland, Danmark, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia), Mittel Europe (Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine), Middle East (Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia) for a total of 21 countries, including 12 SMEs with diverse and complementary competences.

NOTIONES monitors the results of academic research and industrial innovation and suggest actions to be followed by academia and industry to address these results towards a useful implementation. NOTIONES thus promotes the interaction of technology providers and academy with the intelligence and security practitioners, to detect new relevant technologies and evaluate how they could serve their needs.


NOTIONES periodically publishes a report, summarising these findings with the purpose of orientating future research project programming and indicating priorities with regards to the industrialisation of the results.

For additional details please visit the NOTIONES website:


NOTIONES Project Partners