Europe and the challenges of radicalisation: what answers? (Rome, 22nd June 2017)
Zanasi & Partners, as participant to the European security research project TRIVALENT, is delighted to invite you to the conference titled “Europe and the challenges of radicalisation: what answers?”.
The conference will take place on the 22nd of June 2017, from 4:00PM to 6:30PM, at the Chamber of Deputies (Sala del Mappamondo, Piazza Montecitorio 1) in Rome, according to the agenda available online. The meeting will constitute the inaugural event of TRIVALENT.
TRIVALENT (Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive), funded by the European Commission under the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme, is carried out by an international consortium comprising 22 organisations (including 12 police forces) representing 10 different countries. Aim of the project is to study the violent radicalisation phenomenon, as it takes places both on line and within penitentiaries, and to develop tools for contrasting it, including the production of ad hoc counter-narratives.
Participation to the conference is free of charge, although early registration is mandatory. You are therefore kindly asked to confirm your participation, by getting in touch with Mr. Alessandro Bonzio via email ( or via phone (+39 333 5053983).
Access to the room is allowed until reaching the maximum allowance permitted and following the exhibition of an ID.
Semi-formal/business dress code will be in place (jacket and tie required for men).
A simultaneous translation (English -> Italian, Italian -> English) service will be provided during the conference.