The challenges posed by cyber security and the answers from the European Union: the key role played by research

An article written by Zanasi & Partners’ CEO, Mr. Alessandro ZANASI, and dedicated to the cyber security research initiatives launched by the European Union in the latest years, has been published today on ICT Security Magazine.



Alessandro Zanasi provides a comprehensive overview of the main cyber security challenges that the European Union has been facing in the latest years and, at the same times, describes the most relevant research initiatives that have been launched for responding to those challenges. A particular emphasis is put on some of the most successful research projects backed by the European Commission and its Directorate General: SCADALAB, CloudCERT, SECRET, iSAR+ and SOTERIA. The article also introduces two new themes of sure interest for the future of European research: on the one hand the need for enhancing the cyber-security posture of the European financial sector; on the other hand – in the light of the future risk scenarios introduced by rapidly evolving modern technologies – the need for improving the strategic technology foresight capabilities of the defence sector.


The article can be found at this link. A PDF version can be downloaded from here.