TRIVALENT counter-radicalisation project – kick-off meeting at the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome
ROME, 22nd June 2017 – The EC-funded research project TRIVALENT has officially started with a conference dedicated to “Europe and the challenges of radicalisation: what answers?”, held at the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
TRIVALENT (Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive), entirely funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme, is a research project carried out by an international consortium comprising 22 organisations (including 12 police forces) representing 10 different countries. Aim of the TRIVALENT project is to study the violent radicalisation phenomenon, as it takes places both on line and within prisons, and to develop methodologies and tools for contrasting it.
In front of over 100 participants, the panel of speakers invited to the conference engaged in an in-depth discussion on radicalisation and security, moderated by Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore’s Marco Ludovico.
On. Massimo Artini, vice-president of the Defence Commission at the Chamber of Deputies, highlighted the enormous importance of getting a better understanding of how the radicalisation process works, which is one the main aim of the TRIVALENT project.
On. Rosa Maria Vilecco Calipari, member of Copasir (Comitato parlamentare per la sicurezza delle Repubblica), also referring to the results of recent studies, stressed on the positive experience of C.A.S.A. (Comitato di Analisi Strategica Antiterrorismo) to underline how security can only be guaranteed when all the relevant information available is shared in a timely and exhaustive fashion between all the parties responsible for prevention and contrast.
Gen. Leonardo Tricarico, former chief of staff of the Italian Air Force and military advisor to three successive prime ministers, offered interesting insights on the relationship between security and privacy, suggesting how the latter should not represent an obstacle for the former.
Ing. Alessandro Zanasi, CEO of Zanasi & Partners, initiator and participant of the TRIVALENT project, has declared: “the only possible solution for addressing the problems raised by terrorism and radicalisation consists in using the instrument of funded research to make possible for private and public organisations to develop new security technologies and to improve the understanding of the rationale behind people undergoing a radicalisation journey”.
The Italian government, who participates directly to the project with the Ministry of Interior (Polizia di Stato) and the Ministry of Justice (Polizia Penitenziaria) was also represented at the kick-off by authorities participating on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and of the Comando Generale of Carabinieri and of Guardia di Finanza.