Workshop on “European Strategic Technology Foresight” (21st June 2018 – La Spezia, Italy)

Zanasi & Partners and Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, in collaboration with the Italian Defence General Secretariat – National Armaments Directorate, have organised a workshop dedicated to “European Strategic Technology Foresight”. The workshop will take place on the 21st of June 2018, at the Arsenale Militare Marittimo in La Spezia, Italy, and will be hosted within SeaFuture 2018, one of the most prestigious events – exhibition & business convention – in the naval, shipbuilding and maritime sector with the unique feature of dual use, both in the civil and military sectors.



Main Theme:

European Strategic Technology Foresight


Executive Summary:

The workshop will present the results of a survey carried out within the context of the PYTHIA project, funded Organized by the European Commission in the Preparatory Action on Defence Research framework, aimed at assessing what are the most commonly used technology foresight methodologies in both the military and the industrial domains. All the methodologies identified will be thoroughly analysed, extrapolating several interesting findings that will be described during the speech.




The event will represent an opportunity to showcase the PYTHIA project, funded by the European Defence Agency under the framework of the Preparatory Action for Defence Research (PADR) (grant agreement No. 800893).