Zanasi & Partners joins ECSO

Press release

Zanasi & Partners joins ECSO


Modena (MO), Italy, 4 November 2016 – Zanasi & Partners is proud to announce that, as of today, it has become a full member of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO).



Founded in 2016, ECSO brings together the key stakeholders from the European cyber security sector. The main objective of ECSO is to support all types of initiatives or projects that aim to develop, promote, encourage European cybersecurity, with particular emphasis on:

  • Foster and protect from cyber threats the growth of the European Digital Single Market;
  • Develop the cybersecurity market in Europe and the growth of a competitive cybersecurity and ICT industry, with an increased market position;
  • Develop and implement cybersecurity solutions for the critical steps of trusted supply chains, in sectoral applications where Europe is a leader.


‘Cyber threats constitute one of the most serious issues Europe is facing today’ – said Alessandro ZANASI, President of Zanasi & Partners, who also reminded – ‘our economy is heavily dependent on interconnected computer networks: communications, financial transactions, monitoring and management of critical infrastructure… everything depends on the correct functioning of those networks’.

‘Cyber espionage, as demonstrated by the discovery of the ECHELON system earlier and by Snowden’s revelations later, is common practice which costs targeted companies billions of dollars. Worldwide, according to a recent study by Forbes, the costs due to cybercrime activities are expected to reach $2 trillion by 2019’ Zanasi claimed.

 ‘Joining ECSO represents a great opportunity for us’ – concluded Zanasi – ‘as it will give a further boost to our already active involvement in the European cybersecurity scene. It will allow us to create new synergies with the leading cyber security European organisations and this, in turn, will translate into new opportunities for jointly undertaking research activities and developing state-of-the-art services that we will be able to provide to our clients’.


More information on ECSO are available at: