ACTING (Advanced European platform and network of Cybersecurity training and exercises centres) is a cyber defence project, promoted by Zanasi & Partners and under the coordination of the Bulgarian Defense Institute. The project, funded by the European Commission under the European Defence Fund 2021 programme with Grant Agreement no. 101103208, started in late 2022 and will last until late 2026.

The ACTING project (Advanced European platform and network of Cybersecurity training and exercises centres)  delivers an organized and coordinated approach to strengthen the EU cyber defence through an effective and efficient multi-domain collaboration. In this challenging environment, the ACTING Consortium (made of 28 entities coming from 13 different EU MSs) proposes an innovative 48-months-long project which is going to provide solutions to improve the efficiency of cyber defence training and exercises.

ACTING is an interdisciplinary research, innovation, and development effort that will result in a comprehensive solution for enhanced cyber defence training and exercises covering more than one military domain and interconnecting critical infrastructure sectors. The results of these efforts will materialise in the development of the ACTING Platform, combining tools in an interoperable, scalable, and easy deployable environment. All tools will be available for all the MSs supporting this project as separate, stand-alone elements or as a joint ACTING Platform.


Amongst the ACTING project partners