CICERO dealt with different kinds of radicalisation narratives, ranging from those related to politico-religious extremism (e.g. jihadist), to left-wing, right-wing and single-issue extremism. The aim was to undermine the appeal of the extremist propaganda, while also providing credible and positive alternatives to the related narratives.
Civil society engagement efforts, including the organisation of “train- the-trainers” workshops directed at specific stakeholders, were undertaken to further enhance the ability of civil society to detect and cope with radicalisation leading to violent extremism. In order to maximise the effectiveness of the CICERO campaign, the consortium developed and implement a multi-layered evaluation methodology, allowing to progressively monitor and evaluate the campaign’s impact on the designated target audiences.
CICERO consortium consists of 10 partners, embracing multiple background, thus ensuring the project the necessary expertise to implement the project and successfully launch the media campaign.