The NESTLER proposal, promoted by Z&P and its 14 partners from the European Union, UK, and 6 African Member Partners (Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda, and Nigeria) under the coordination of Synelixis, has been approved and will be funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme with Grant Agreement no. 101060762, between 2022 and 2025.

NESTLER (oNe hEalth SusTainabiLity partnership between EU-AFRICA for food sEcuRity) aims at delivering a new technological solution to promote and improve food safety by developing an integrated cloud-edge digital platform that will closely integrate with the existing stakeholders of food value chain from both EU and Africa. The policy recommendations identified within the project will lead to the realisation of the One-Health sustainability partnership in the area of food safety.

NESTLER’s technology approach will set its focus on using AI techniques and tools to elaborate data gathered from different sources (e.g. environmental sensors to monitor the quality of soil and the nutritional composition, drones equipped with imaging sensors for undertaking environmental surveillance, etc.).

This process will deliver accurate mapping and data models to be plotted against geographical maps, animal monitoring services, crop growth monitoring, yield estimation models; as well as modelling of biological and epidemiological analysis to guarantee food security against pest infestation outbreaks along with ensuring the presence of the right environment and atmosphere for plant-based cultivation.


NESTLER Project Partners