Maniscalco, M.L., Rosato, V. (2019). Preventing Radicalisation and Terrorism in Europe – A comparative analysis of policies (Chapters 8 and 9)
MODENA, 08/10/2019. Zanasi & Partners is glad to announce the publication of a new book – “Preventing Radicalisation and Terrorism in Europe – A comparative analysis of policies” – which relies on the experience developed within the EC-funded TRIVALENT (Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive) project. The book – prefaced by Prof. Luigi Moccia (TRIVALENT Project Coordinator), authored by Prof. Maria Luisa Maniscalco and Prof. Valeria Rosato (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy) with the contribution of Dr. Santina Musolino (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy), Prof. Cindy du Bois (Royal Military Academy, Belgium) and Dr. Willy Bruggerman (President of the Belgian Federal Police Board, Belgium) – offers an updated and critical assessment of the main anti-terrorism and anti-radicalisation policies implemented by five European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), as well as of their strengths, weaknesses, peculiarities and differences, identifying possible evolutionary lines and proposing a series of recommendations for policy-makers in their efforts to tackle the radicalisation phenomenon.
Z&P’s team – composed by Ing. Alessandro Zanasi, Dr. Giovanni Vassallo and Dr. Angelo Rollo – has also relied on the expertise gained in the EC-funded CICERO (CounternarratIve Campaign for prEventing RadicalisatiOn) project to provide a relevant analysis on the role of civil society in policies to prevent radicalisation and terrorism in Europe, in particular:
- Chapter Eight “The Role of Civil Society in Policies to Prevent Radicalisation and Terrorism in Europe” by Alessandro Zanasi
- Chapter Nine “Recommendations for New Policies” by Giovanni Vassallo and Angelo Rollo
More information on the book at https://www.cambridgescholars.com/preventing-radicalisation-and-terrorism-in-europe.